Monday 22 August 2011

Long time no see!

Hi there, apologies for the silence. It's been a while since I last wrote anything! No excuses, just been a bit crap.

But have I got lots to tell you!

A lot has happened in two years. I am still standing, and have been MS relapse free for the last three and a half years. The drug natalizumab (Tysabri) that I was put on in Nov 2007 has been working wonders. Not one relapse since, I have to say I have nearly forgotten what it fells like to have a relapse, although I am still living with the disabilities of my previous relapses. Definitely not bad going though considering I was relapsing badly every six months. So no complaints there. I have to walk with a crutch all the time now, balance is still my main problem and I still fall often. Bruises, scrapes and cuts come with the territory, but no broken teeth or stitches like before now. I still get tired easily, I can only really do one main thing in a day before I become non-functional.

Life is so quiet now, sometimes I don't quite know what to do with myself. Bar hospital appointments, I go to the gym now and have lost 10kg in two years and gone down two dress sizes. Great news, I feel better for it but now I just can't afford to buy new clothes and am forever regretting chucking out all my old clothes! Man, did I have some gorgeous tops, handbags and shoes. Well, there's nothing I can do about the shoes, as high heels are still a definite no no. I still have a few kilos more to go before I am back to the weight I was before I got ill.

OK, time to rest now. I promise I will write soon!

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