Monday 4 May 2009

A Day in the Life of... Me!!

Sorry haven't written for ages lately, but you know, people to see, things to do, booze to drink and junk to eat!

Tell you what, it's not easy being a lady of leisure, especially if you are like me.  It's not as if I can just jump on the tube and go shopping whenever I feel like it.  People are cruel.  People rushing to get their trains during rush hour are even worse.  I once had a lady who brushed up against me trying to pass.  Not only did I nearly fall over, she had the cheek to look back at me with the dirtiest of looks as if trying to say that I had lost her precious 10 milliseconds and now she was sure she would miss her train.

But anyway, back to my day:  I wake up around 6.30-7am.  Then I take my morning medication (16 little pills that allow me to have some kind of normality), then I pass out from the sedating effect of my anti-spasm drug.  It's now 9-10ish, I would then turn on C4+1 and start watching Frasier, Will and Grace, Brothers and Sisters and Without a Trace.  This then leads me to the one o'clock news, then Neighbours and Diagnosis Murder.  And if I am really sad, I might even watch the Channel5 matinee film.  Then after all this exhausting activity, a nice long nap is surely warranted.  After my nap, I would have dinner and back to the TV life I so cherish until I fall asleep from my evening medication.

I do of course have my busier days: hospital appointments.  There are around 3-4 different appointments I have to content with each week and boy, are they knackering!  For instance, it took me 25 minutes to walk 1K at the physio last week.  I am tired just thinking about it now!!
Well, onwards and upwards!!