Friday 26 August 2011

Rain, rain, go away!!

Happy Friday everyone!

It's raining in London, been like this for the last few days now. So much for the barbecue summer. I am reluctant to go out in the rain, mostly because my crutch slips and I always end up falling spectacularly. One time I wore white when it rained, I fell and the kind woman who helped me up wore white too! At first I thanked her for her kindness but declined her help because I didn't want to get her top all dirty. But she insisted. Bless her. Just as well I didn't have far to go until I got home as I was covered in mud water, along with a few cuts.

Some people can be so nice. They would literally go out of their way to help you. I would hope that I am one of those people. Manners are so hard to come by these days. I am lucky if I am offered a seat on the tube or the bus. One time I had an elderly woman offering me her seat on a packed bus. Of course I couldn't take the seat off her. Then the woman sat next to her begrudgingly gave me her seat.

A good friend of mine once told me that I should've just asked people for their seats as most of the time they probably just didn't see me. I am not so sure. Yes, some people are that engrossed by their books, music or conversations sometimes that they are blind. But more of these people choose not to see me, as their guilty faces coyly turn away.

Ignorance some may say.

So now, I choose not to go out in the rain. And I definitely avoid rush hours and busy places like a plague.

Monday 22 August 2011

Long time no see!

Hi there, apologies for the silence. It's been a while since I last wrote anything! No excuses, just been a bit crap.

But have I got lots to tell you!

A lot has happened in two years. I am still standing, and have been MS relapse free for the last three and a half years. The drug natalizumab (Tysabri) that I was put on in Nov 2007 has been working wonders. Not one relapse since, I have to say I have nearly forgotten what it fells like to have a relapse, although I am still living with the disabilities of my previous relapses. Definitely not bad going though considering I was relapsing badly every six months. So no complaints there. I have to walk with a crutch all the time now, balance is still my main problem and I still fall often. Bruises, scrapes and cuts come with the territory, but no broken teeth or stitches like before now. I still get tired easily, I can only really do one main thing in a day before I become non-functional.

Life is so quiet now, sometimes I don't quite know what to do with myself. Bar hospital appointments, I go to the gym now and have lost 10kg in two years and gone down two dress sizes. Great news, I feel better for it but now I just can't afford to buy new clothes and am forever regretting chucking out all my old clothes! Man, did I have some gorgeous tops, handbags and shoes. Well, there's nothing I can do about the shoes, as high heels are still a definite no no. I still have a few kilos more to go before I am back to the weight I was before I got ill.

OK, time to rest now. I promise I will write soon!