Monday 9 March 2009

When it's over, it's over.....

A quick update before my drugs take effect and I pass out.....

My new year's resolution is not going well at all, and it's only March!!

My PhD funding got terminated at the end of January, due to my lack of progress, so they said. Lack of progress - surely they knew why I was lacking in progress?!!  The university had covered their tracks so well that I don't think I am able to sue for discrimination, and it was blantant discrimination.  My ex-supervisor has been a complete bastard and a coward.  He didn't even have the guts to tell me face to face or by phone.  Instead he just wrote a pathetic letter.  

They knew I had MS.  They knew I was suffering from depression, when there are days I can hardly get out of bed.  They knew I have suicidal thoughts.  They knew I was going blind and can't read very well.  They knew I have memory and concentration problems.  They knew I suffer from severe fatigue.  They knew it all, because I had told them right from the start.

My dream of being a PhD is no more.  This was my second chance of doing a PhD.  Right before I was diagnosed nearly five years ago, I was applying to do one.  Obviously that ended.  I thought I could finally fulfill my ambition with this PhD, but that ended also.

Is this the price I have to pay for having MS....?

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